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Hairballs is an online newsletter published by Rikki's Refuge to keep our supporters and volunteers informed about life at the refuge. Include an email address with your donation to be included in our emailings.

An exerpt:


NICOLE'S FIRST MOUSE Cute little silver tabby manx Nicole, did not start life as a country cat. She has wondered about the delectable tidbits that run across the floor at night and are so voraciously gobbled up by the likes of Slinky, Mr. White, Bam Bam the Fearful Feral, and others. She has looked upon the fur coating with revulsion. Imagine having the hairs stuck between your teeth !!! Yuck. Well, the other evening a little mouse ran by. Nicole pounced and caught it. She stood there looking a mix of nauseated, terrified and confused. She spent the next hour or so walking around with it hanging out of her mouth. You could just see the expression on her face, "Okay, so now I have it, what do I do ? Won't somebody help me out here?" Mr. White paraded along behind her trilling, "hand it over and I'll show you." When Nicole had to go potty, she jumped into the litter box, still holding the mouse, and kept trying to squat to go, but it just didn't feel right with a mouse in her mouth. Eventually she gently laid the mouse down in the litterbox, took care of her business, picked the mouse up and hopped out. Mr. White, who would never stoop so low as to go anywhere is near a litterbox, decided enough was enough. He slapped Nicole across the face; she opened her mouth to meow; and dropped her mouse; which Mr. White scarfed down in the blink of an eye. He then lumbered back to bed. Nicole spent the next couple of hours walking around looking for the missing mouse.

Reflections. Our printed newsletter published quarterly.

Read a page from our 10th Anniversary edition

Winter 2008 Reflections

Spring 2009 Reflections

Summer 2009 Reflections


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